
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Lotty update

I thought it was time I updated you on what has being going on at my little plot recently. Progress is rather slow due to the sheer amount of rain we have been having. Most of my soil is still pretty wet and cold. So apart from adding a few more garlic bulbs the work has mainly been maintenance and starting growing off at home. I am totally inspired by this blog I have discovered written by a Yorkshire man who grows amazing produce and who has a great sense of humour.  I am completely addicted to his video updates now and am using them to give me an idea of when I should be planting outside.

These are my little ones for you to see...........


Baby broad beans

Potatoes chitting away nicely.

There are quite a few garlic bulbs planted now at various stages. The elephant white in the above photo is growing wonderfully. I just hope there's been enough frost to split the bulbs.

The tomatoes are growing a little leggy as I have no supplementary artificial light and I have already mixed up some cherrys with some larger varieties when moving them around! I hope I'll be able to tell the difference as they grow as they look the same now!

 Eight out of nine broad beans have germinated and are growing slowly but surely ready to go in my cold frame when it isn't windy enough to blow the frame down!

I have been getting to grips with my new favourite toy - the power drill and made up my cold frame ready to use, hung up a hanging basket ready for tommys in the summer and  fixed a frame which had been damaged in the storms. Who knew how much fun it is to fix stuff?? I had nearly as much fun as when I power washed my eglu go for the first time.

A lovely friend helped me by weeding my strawberry plants and doing some digging in of the rotted manure I put in last autumn in my potato beds courtesy of another lovely friend's horses!!

I decided I had rather too many strawberry plants and I needed some of the room for my broad beans and for a little herb bed so I am in the process of transplanting the extras into pots and distributing them to various places and people. I still have a good number and you can see I have covered them with a fleece cloche to encourage them to grow a little quicker ( Photo at top of post) 

I've weeded my fruit bushes and fed the soil with potash. The tayberry, raspberry and blackberries are budding nicely and the currants seem to have survived my planting !

I have almost finished preparing the beds for the early pots/ the broad beans and the shallots/onion sets which I have all ready to go in as soon as the soil warms up.

So it's getting exciting now. The weather appears to be improving a little so hopefully next time I write about the lotty it will have planted a few more veg and herbs.

Hope you enjoyed reading my update. Next time I will be posting about some of the textile and sewing projects I have been up to! Thanks for visiting me. x
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