Hello again - I hope you're enjoying some of the lovely sunshine we've been having.These beautiful flowers appeared on the blackberry bushes at the lotty last week and surprised me with how lovely they are. The middles look almost like little stitches - so pretty and delicate. Actually lots of beautiful flowers are appearing on my plot. I will share more with you about the lotty in a minute, but first, I want to introduce you properly to my girls as promised in the last post.
Firstly there is Pearl - she is the boss, cheeky, very nosy and top of the tree as far as my three go.She's very confident and eats out of my hand. If one of them is going to give me the run around it's Pearl. She's already gone walk about once and when it's bedtime she's the one that jumps on the coop and won't go to bed!! Here's a better picture of her. She's got a fancy collar as you can see.
Dorcas is the friendliest one. She's fairly docile and was also the first to lay an egg.
Then there is little Ruby (On the left of the photo) who was quite nervous when I got her but is coming out of her shell, so to speak! She gets picked on by Pearl. She's not laid an egg yet and I think she's the youngest.
I got some rings in different colours to put round their legs so I could tell them apart but within half an hour, I could tell who was who, as they have such different personalities!!
They arrived less than a fortnight ago and I can't imagine being without them now. They have laid a total of ten eggs so far which is not bad going since only 2 are laying yet.
The majority of planting is now done
The broad beans are flowering nicely
I planted a little herb garden
Parsnips, beetroot and radishes
Early potatoes in bags
Second early spuds and maincrop behind
Strawberries starting to ripen
Lettuces coming along
The garlic is nearly ready
Shallots growing well and
splitting into lots of bulbs
All the fruit bushes are going great guns now
Masses of tayberries awaiting ripening
The onions seem to be growing ok
Carrots ready for thinning out
Kale perking up a little now
Cherry toms in their hanging baskets
Two of the 12 larger variety tomato plants
Sweetcorn ready to be planted out tomorrow (I ran out of time today!)
So there you are - thats the lotty round up. Its a steep learning curve but its really good fun. I would recommend it to anyone! x